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Transmission characteristics of high-power 589-nm laser beam in photonic crystal fiber</t...</span> <span class = "journal">/ Advances in Adaptive Optics II.</span> <span class = "author">Ito 2006</span> </div> </a> </div> <div id = "news"> <div class = "he"> latest<br>reads </div><div class = "it"> <div class = "paper"><a href = "/10.1117/12.671972"><span class = "dt">10:58:20</span> <span class = "title">Transmission characteristics of high-power 589-nm laser beam in photonic crystal fiber</span> / <span class = "journal">Advances in Adaptive Optics II</span> <span class = "author">Ito</span>, <span class = "year">2006</span></a></div><div class = "paper"><a href = "/10.1002/bate.200490176"><span class = "dt">10:58:20</span> <span class = "title">Anwendung eines flexiblen Planungskonzepts für die Realisierung einer komplexen Baugrubensicherungsmaßnahme</span> / <span class = "journal">Bautechnik</span> <span class = "author">Thurner</span>, <span class = "year">2004</span></a></div><div class = "paper"><a href = "/10.1037/bul0000001"><span class = "dt">10:58:20</span> <span class = "title">Accessing embodied object representations from vision: A review.</span> / <span class = "journal">Psychological Bulletin</span> <span class = "author">Matheson</span>, <span class = "year">2015</span></a></div><div class = "paper"><a href = "/10.1016/0006-2952(64)90076-0"><span class = "dt">10:58:20</span> <span class = "title">Étude du métabolisme du calcium chez le rat à l'aide de calcium 45. v—la thyro-parathyroïdectomie et l'effet de la thyroxine et de la parathormone</span> / <span class = "journal">Biochemical Pharmacology</span> <span class = "author">Aubert</span>, <span class = "year">1964</span></a></div><div class = "second"><div class = "paper"><a href = "/10.1007/978-3-319-14633-1_2"><span class = "dt">10:58:20</span> <span class = "title">Real-Time Abnormal Events Detection Combining Motion Templates and Object Localization</span> / 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class = "paper"><a href = "/10.1016/0006-2952(64)90073-5"><span class = "dt">10:58:20</span> <span class = "title">The retention of exogenous norepinephrine by rabbit tissues</span> / <span class = "journal">Biochemical Pharmacology</span> <span class = "author">Gillis</span>, <span class = "year">1964</span></a></div><div class = "paper"><a href = "/10.1007/978-3-319-16892-0_11"><span class = "dt">10:58:20</span> <span class = "title">Utilisation of Transcriptome-Based Biomarkers for Single Embryo Transfer</span> / <span class = "journal">Screening the Single Euploid Embryo</span> <span class = "author">Devjak</span>, <span class = "year">2015</span></a></div><div class = "paper"><a href = "/10.1007/s00345-019-03065-2"><span class = "dt">10:58:20</span> <span class = "title">Prognostic significance of pre- and post-treatment PD-L1 expression in patients with primary high-grade non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer treated with BCG immunotherapy</span> / <span class = "journal">World J 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<span class = "title"> Differential/Algebraic Equations are not ODE’ s </span> / <span class = "journal">SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing</span> <span class = "author">Petzold</span>, <span class = "year">1982</span></a></div><div class = "paper"><a href = "/10.1007/978-3-319-17002-2_9-1"><span class = "dt">10:58:20</span> <span class = "title">Diagnosis and Management of Vulvar Cancer</span> / <span class = "journal">Handbook of Gynecology</span> <span class = "author">Shindo</span>, <span class = "year">2016</span></a></div><div class = "paper"><a href = "/10.1016/0006-2952(64)90052-8"><span class = "dt">10:58:20</span> <span class = "title">7-Hydroxychlorpromazine in the urines of schizophrenics receiving chlorproniazine</span> / <span class = "journal">Biochemical Pharmacology</span> <span class = "author">Price</span>, <span class = "year">1964</span></a></div></div> </div> </div><div id = "stats-big"> <div class = "he"><span>statistics</span></div> <a href = 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